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MORGANTOWN, WV - 12 AUGUST 2018: UPack Relocube moving containers on driveway of townhouse
Bea Johnson

What Insurance Coverage Do I Need While Moving?

Moving insurance can take a bit of the stress of moving off your plate. Here’s how it can afford you extra peace of mind during this period of change.

Critical case for a major plumbing and drainage repair
Home Improvement
Shelley Frost

How to Measure Square Footage

Curious about the square footage of your home? Whether you want to dispute a tax assessment or you're preparing for a remodel, knowing how large your space is can be important. 

Young Woman Looking At Repairman Repairing Dishwasher In Kitchen
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Team eLocal

How Much Does It Cost to Repair a Dishwasher?

Dishwasher acting up? Fortunately, dishwasher repairs are often cheap and straightforward, but it could be worth replacing an older unit if it develops an expensive fault.

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Home Improvement
Bea Johnson

What Are the Different Types of Locks?

Just what types of door locks do you need for your home? Learn more about the different lock types in this handy guide.

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Michael Franco

What Is a Roofing Inspection and What Does It Include?

Perhaps the most important roof-maintenance task you can do is to schedule regular roof inspections to make sure it's functioning at its full potential.

Urgent case for a major appliance repair
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Team eLocal

How Much Does It Cost to Switch From a Gas Stove to an Electric Stove?

If you want to switch from gas to electric in the kitchen, you’re probably concerned about cost. Here’s what you need to know before you go electric.

close up of cedar siding with multiple paint samples on it
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on the Exterior of a House?

You can't just use any paint you have lying around to paint your house. Knowing what exterior paint is best for house painting can help you ensure a beautiful, long-lasting finish.

closed toiler in a small bathroom
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

How to Remove Rust Stains in the Bathroom

Rust stains make even the cleanest bathroom look dingy. Here's how to get them gone for good.