Recent Home Improvement Articles

illustration of a tanked water heater on a blue background
Home Improvement
Hannah Stephens

How Does a Water Softener Work?

Water softeners remove hard minerals from the water supply inside your home. Here's a look at how these machines work.

person installing security camera with hand drill
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

How Much Do Security Monitoring Services Cost?

Home monitoring systems are becoming more popular as technological advances support more security for families. There's a wide range of offerings from many companies you can choose from as you decide how best to protect your house.

An aluminum dryer vent tube leads from a clothes washer to the dryer vent in a gray wall, metallic, aluminum, gray, silver, tube, dryer tube, dryer hose, clothes dryer, gray hardwood floor, white floorboard, hardwood floor, floorboard, black hose
Home Improvement
Sarah Stasik

Why Does My Dryer Smell Like It's Burning?

A burning smell doesn't mean your dryer's on fire — but it could be a warning that something's up with your machine. We'll walk you through troubleshooting.

inside of a washing machine drum
Home Improvement
Rowan Guthrie

Why Isn't my Washer Spinning?

A washer not spinning is clearly a sign that something’s wrong, but there can be one or several reasons why. These are some of the most common causes and how to resolve them yourself.

Man opens oven and expresses shock to discover that the inside of the appliance is filthy and in need of cleaning, man, male, Matt Schmitz, open oven, opening oven, open oven door, open door, dirty oven, filthy oven, shocked, disgusted, surprised
Home Improvement
Hannah Stephens

Why Is My Oven Getting Too Hot?

You don't necessarily need to buy a new appliance to resolve an overheating oven. Understanding why an oven gets too hot can help you find the culprit and fix the issue.

a residential yard gets a fresh trench dug for an invisible dog fence
Home Improvement
Sandy Hess

5 Pet-Friendly Home Upgrades

No matter what types of pets you have, it usually doesn’t take long before they become an important part of the family. That’s why it can make sense to add some special features in your home that are just for them.

Home Improvement
Michael Franco

Everything to Know About Your Furnace's Pressure Switch

Your furnace’s pressure switch plays a crucial role in keeping your heating system and your home safe. Here's all you need to know about it.

White iron radiator central heating in room
Home Improvement
James Fitzgerald

Why Won't My Radiator Turn Off?

If your radiator isn’t turning off, your otherwise cozy room can become a sweltering sauna. Discover the most common causes of a radiator that won’t turn off and how to fix them yourself, here.

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