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African American Tax Professional Female With E Invoice
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How Much Does It Cost to Get My Taxes Done? Professionally Vs. Online

How much does it cost to do your taxes? This guide reviews your options — both online and professional services — so you can decide the best option for you.

Law and Legal services concept. Lawyer and attorney having team meeting at law firm. Lawyer and businessman handshake.
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What Does It Mean to Settle Out of Court?

Out-of-court settlements offer an alternative to a lengthy trial. Understanding how they work can help you in certain legal situations.

A computer screen on the federal government copyright website displays an explanation of the fair use doctrine for copyrighted intellectual property, fair use, copyright, copyrighted, laptop screen, laptop computer, laptop, intellectual property, doctrine of fair use, legal, law, copyright law
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What Is Fair Use?

Learning about copyright and fair use laws can help you understand your rights when creating content or sharing materials with others. 

Infographic shows chart with patent filing costs
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How Much Does It Cost to File a Patent?

How much does a patent cost?   You’ll be responsible for paying several fees throughout the process. Here’s a look at what obtaining a patent will do to your pocketbook.

A pair of deer walk in the grass directly next to a curving road with lush green trees and other greenery in the background, deer, Bambi, doe, animals, wildlife, nature, greenery, trees, grass, woods, forest, natural, road, street, asphalt, winding road, asphalt, concrete, curve, outdoors
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Oh, Deer: Here's What to Do If You Hit Wildlife With Your Car

This article explains the steps individuals should take if they're in an accident with deer or other wildlife. It also provides information about when to call the police and whether insurance coverage may be available.

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How Much Do Estate Planning Services Cost?

How much does estate planning cost? The price can vary significantly, depending on your situation. Here's an overview.

Worker Injury And Disability Compensation. Social Security Claim
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Do I Have a Workers' Comp Case?

Getting injured at work can be a serious hardship, but workers' compensation can help. Find out how to get coverage for medical expenses and lost wages.

group of business people and lawyers discussing contract papers sitting at the table, close up
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How Much Do Mediation Services Cost?

While mediators aren't cheap, if you find yourself in a situation where you need one, hiring a mediator could actually save you some cash in the long run.