How Much Does Motorcycle Insurance Cost?

by Team eLocal
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Are you a biker? Listen to this: Motorcycle insurance provides invaluable protection if you're involved in a collision, and purchasing at least a basic policy is mandatory in most jurisdictions.

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Therefore, it's essential to factor monthly insurance premiums into the cost of motorcycle ownership. Here's how much motorcycle insurance costs and what factors can affect your premium rates.

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What Does Motorcycle Insurance Cover?

Most basic motorcycle insurance policies include liability coverage for bodily injuries and property damage. Your insurer will pay out for any damages caused to someone else or their property while you're riding your motorcycle. Comprehensive plans also cover your own losses if you're involved in a crash and could be a particularly smart option if you own a new or expensive motorcycle.

Many insurers offer a broad range of optional extras to increase your coverage. Depending on your carrier, options may include:

  • Coverage against losses caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver
  • Motorcycle repair insurance
  • Contents and belongings insurance
  • Roadside assistance
  • Guest passenger coverage
  • Personal injury protection (PIP)

How Is Motorcycle Insurance Different From Car Insurance?

Motorcycle insurance differs from car insurance in several ways, including price. Whether motorcycle insurance is more expensive than car insurance depends on several factors. Riding a motorcycle is significantly more dangerous than driving a car, so motorcycle insurance could cost more in some circumstances — especially if you ride an expensive model or have a poor driving record.

Generally, motorcycle insurance companies offer more add-ons than car insurers. For example, most auto insurance policies cover passengers, while you'll need to purchase a guest passenger insurance add-on to cover passenger injuries as a motorcyclist.

Some motorcycle insurance carriers also offer laid-up insurance coverage, which is unavailable from regular auto insurers. Laid-up coverage allows you to pay lower premiums when your motorcycle is in storage. However, you won't be able to ride your motorbike on a laid-up insurance plan.

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How Much Do Monthly Motorcycle Insurance Premiums Cost?

According to ValuePenguin, motorcycle insurance costs around $60 (CAD 80) per month on average. Several factors can affect motorcycle insurance quotes:


Which state you live in can significantly impact the cost of insuring your motorcycle. North Dakota is the cheapest state for motorcycle insurance, with riders spending around $28 (CAD 38) per month. At the other end of the scale, you could spend around $150 (CAD 200) per month in California.

Rider Age

Your age and experience riding a motorcycle can also affect your monthly premiums. The younger and less experienced you are, the more likely you'll be part of an accident — and the more you'll pay for motorcycle insurance.

For example, motorcycle insurance for a 16-year-old male living in Los Angeles could cost around $340 (CAD 460) per month. The same rider could pay about $177 (CAD 235) per month for similar coverage by his 35th birthday, provided he maintains a clean driving record.

Motorcycle Type and Value

Your motorcycle insurance company may charge steeper monthly rates to insure expensive or highly desirable motorbikes because they're more likely to be stolen and cost more to replace. Some models are also involved in accidents more frequently than others, increasing the cost of insuring them. On the other hand, purchasing a bike with robust safety features could reduce your chance of an accident and lower your monthly premiums.

Generally, scooter-style bikes are the cheapest to insure, costing around $100 (CAD 135) per month, on average. Meanwhile, insurance on a sports motorbike could cost as much as $367 (CAD 495) per month.

Do You Need Motorcycle Insurance?

Most states require motorcyclists to maintain bodily injury and property damage liability coverage as a minimum. Florida is the only state that doesn't legally require riders to buy insurance, but it's still a good idea to protect yourself against potentially enormous damage costs by purchasing coverage.

How much coverage you need depends on the rules in your state. Riding a motorcycle without the correct insurance could result in criminal penalties.

All CAD conversions are based on the exchange rate on the date of publication.

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