Creepy Crawlies: How to Keep Spiders at Bay

by Team eLocal
A brown, long-legged spider crawls on a white porcelain bathroom surface near a round metal drain, brown long-legged spider, long-legged spider, spiders, white porcelain, porcelain, white, drain

Everyone finds spiders crawling around their home at some point, but that doesn't make you feel any better about the unwanted eight-legged house guests.

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Even though spiders are good at keeping other pests at bay, you don't want a whole host of them living alongside your family. Explore spider control options to kick the creepy crawlies to the curb.

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Is It Normal To Find a Few Spiders in Your Home?

It's normal to find spiders here and there in your home. Your home is a cozy spot for spiders — it offers warmth, moisture and food sources if you have other pests in your home. They find their way indoors through holes in screens, cracks along your house or even along with you when you have the doors open. Finding a few spiders doesn't mean you have a major problem.

How Do You Know You Have a Full-Blown Spider Infestation?

If you see more than a few spiders in your home at once, you could have a spider infestation. You might also see lots of spider webs forming inside your home or egg sacs from spiders where they've laid hundreds of eggs. Once those eggs hatch, you'll have a lot more creepy, crawly visitors taking up residence with you.

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What Are Some of the Most Common Types of Spiders Found in Homes?

The types of spiders in your home can vary based on where you live, but some spiders are common in many areas. Those types include:

  • American house spiders: These are the most common spiders. They're less than an inch long and have brown bodies.
  • Wolf spiders: These furry, brown spiders can grow up to 2 inches long and are good at hunting their prey.
  • Jumping spiders: Jumping spiders are smaller, usually no more than half an inch long. You can often see speckles on their abdomens. As the name suggests, they jump well and release a silk line as they jump.
  • Daddy longlegs: While not technically spiders, daddy longlegs have eight legs, which are long and thin, making them easy to recognize.
  • Black widow spiders: Black widow spiders have venom that can be dangerous to humans, although it's not usually deadly. Look for a shiny black body, along with red markings on the abdomen.
  • Brown recluse spiders: While only found in certain states, brown recluse spiders can cause major issues if you're bitten. They can cause necrotic lesions, rashes, chills and fevers.

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How Do You Get Rid of Spiders?

You can smash spiders or spray them with spider killer to solve the immediate problem. However, this only gets rid of the spiders you see. It also kills the spiders, which are helpful for controlling other pests. You can apply a general spider-killing pesticide and spider repellents to get rid of the pests. Making repairs to exclude spiders from your home can also reduce the problem.

If the spider issue is too big for you to handle, a spider exterminator can help. They'll analyze the situation and create a treatment plan to get rid of the spiders. Exterminators often have commercial-grade products that average homeowners can't access, which can help rid your home of the spider issues faster.

How Much Does It Cost to Exterminate Spiders?

The cost to have a professional spider exterminator handle the problem will likely run between $150 and $300. How much you spend can vary depending on where you live and how extensive the spider problem is. You might need ongoing treatment to keep the spiders under control. Ask what types of pesticides or products the company uses, including how safe they are for pets or children, if relevant. You might also need to pay for repairs to keep spiders out of your home, such as fixing cracks in your foundation or replacing torn window screens.

Can You Get Rid of Spiders Yourself?

You can get rid of spiders yourself, especially if you only have a small spider problem that doesn't involve dangerous species of spiders, such as brown recluse or black widow spiders. However, a pest expert might do a better job with all types of spider infestations. They can determine the type of spider that's living in your home and spot the ways the spiders are getting inside. A spider exterminator will not only get rid of the current spider infestation, but they can also help you with preventative methods to avoid more spiders from entering your home.

How Do You Prevent Spiders From Getting Into Your House?

It's difficult to keep spiders out of your home completely, but you can make it more difficult and less appealing for them to enter. Controlling other pests in your home cuts down on the food sources they have available and may make your home less appealing. Keep lights off on the outside of your home at night to avoid attracting lots of bugs, which then attract spiders. Using dehumidifiers in your home can help since spiders like moisture.

You can also seal up the cracks and gaps that give spiders easy access to your home. Removing the spider webs regularly can help push spiders away from your home. Continue cleaning the rest of your house since lots of dust and debris can also attract spiders.

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