Portable Air Conditioner Buying Guide: 8 Features to Look For

by Shelley Frost
A dehumidifier can be a luxurious but complicated machine

Feeling the heat this summer? A portable AC unit offers that crisp, cool air you're craving when you don't have central air.

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The number of choices can be overwhelming, though. Compare the common portable air conditioner features to find the unit that works for your home.

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Features to Look for When You're Shopping for a Portable AC Unit

A portable AC unit is a freestanding air conditioner that can go almost anywhere in your room. It's similar to a window air conditioner, except you can move it around. These portable air conditioners typically cool just one room, so they're ideal if you have an addition or you need temporary relief while your main AC isn't working. Here are some details to consider when looking at portable AC units.

Cooling Power

Every portable air conditioner has a BTU rating, which gives you an idea of its cooling power. A higher BTU rating means the air conditioner can cool a larger space. An air conditioning unit that rates between 7,000 and 10,000 BTUs should work for most rooms. Most units list the square footage on the package to help you choose.

Matching the portable unit to the room size to get the correct cooling power is important for your comfort. If you choose an air conditioning unit that's too small for the room, it'll run frequently, which is hard on the equipment and increases your energy consumption. If it's too big for the room, it might cycle on and off frequently, and you might notice higher humidity levels because the unit won't run long enough to remove the humidity.

Venting Requirements

Even though portable AC units can sit anywhere in your room, they still need to be close to windows for venting purposes. A portable air conditioner removes the heat from the air, so it needs somewhere to go, preferably outside. The venting kit usually comes with a hose that you can place in the window. Consider the size of the unit and where you can place it so it's close to the window while leaving enough space for the AC. Check the venting kit to see how it works, and consider the venting options in the room.

Energy Efficiency

Air conditioners take a lot of energy to keep you cool, but not every unit is the same. If you want to save money, compare the energy efficiency of each option. Units marked with the Energy Star label exceed government standards for energy efficiency, which means they'll use less power. Sizing the unit properly for your room can also make it more energy efficient.


The controls on the unit affect how easy it is to use. Digital display screens let you easily check the temperature or settings when you want to make adjustments. Look at the buttons and how easy it is to change the settings on the unit. Consider the number of settings and modes the unit has to get an idea of how much control it offers.

Some models offer upgrades that make the controls more convenient. Remote controls let you adjust the temperature without walking over to the unit. This can be especially nice in your bedroom so you don't have to get out of bed to change the settings. Programmable timers reduce energy consumption by automatically turning the AC unit on and off based on the schedule you set.

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Smart Features

If you want the latest tech for your cooling device, consider a smart portable AC. They connect to Wi-Fi to give you more control. You can often control them via an app, so you can turn the unit off and on and adjust the temperature settings even when you're not at home. They can often connect to smart home systems like Alexa and Google Assistant for voice-activated control when you're at home.


Even though all these units are technically portable, some are much easier to move than others. Consider the size and weight of the unit if you plan to move it around often. Look at the handle to make sure you can get a good grip on it. Some units have wheels, which make it easier to move them from one room to another.


As a portable AC cools the room, it pulls moisture out of the air. That moisture has to go somewhere. On many units, it collects in a pan that you have to manually empty. For some units, you can use a hose to drain it using gravity or attach an external pump to rid the unit of water. Another option is a self-evaporating model. This is a relatively maintenance-free option if you don't want to mess with emptying a water pan all the time.


Because the entire unit sits inside your room, portable air conditioners can be noisy, which can be a pain for things like conversations or watching TV. You can sometimes find decibel levels listed in the product information, but those details aren't always readily available. Reading reviews online about the models you're considering could give you information on how loud they are.

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