What Is a Keyless Lock?

by Team eLocal
Digital smart door lock security system with the password, close up on numbers on the screen.

Homes these days are smarter than ever before, and keyless locks are an extension of that. More and more homes are now integrated with assistive technology, making keyless entry an option that busy families may really appreciate.

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What Is a Keyless Lock?

As the name suggests, a keyless lock lets you and your family members get into your home without the hassle of using a key. They do not require a physical key to be in hand to open a door. Instead, the lock opens when a code is entered, a fingerprint is scanned or a camera recognizes the face of the person entering. Some keyless locks may require more than one of the above to open.

How Does a Keyless Door Lock Work?

Unlike a regular lock that requires you to insert a key, a keyless lock simply requires you to input an assigned security code. Keyless locks may also have a biometric component, using a fingerprint scanner that triggers the lock to open it recognizes the scanned fingerprint. Newer keyless entry locks may also use facial recognition software, scanning the face of the person attempting entry prior to allowing access.

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Different Types of Keyless Locks

Keyless locks are either electronic or “smart.” Electronic keyless locks are those that work with keypads, fobs and scanners; when an appropriate code is entered, fingerprint or face is recognized, or fob comes near the lock, it opens automatically.

Smart keyless locks are those that interact with your smartphone or other technology, including home security systems and apps on cell phones. Most smart keyless locks are part of the Internet of Things and are interconnected with other products. For instance, they may pair with a user’s home security system and a doorbell camera to instantly recognize users when they approach the door. Similarly, a smart keyless lock may secure a door based on voice command to do so.

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