Need a New Deadbolt? Here’s a Cost Breakdown

by Team eLocal
Installation a deadbolt lock

Deadbolt Installation Costs at a Glance

  • Deadbolt cost: $50-$300 (CAD 60-CAD 375)
  • Deadbolt replacement: $15 (CAD 19), plus price of deadbolt
  • Deadbolt installation: $65 (CAD 80), plus price of deadbolt
  • Total price: $75+ (CAD 95+)

Your exterior doors are the first line of defense in your home, and installing a deadbolt lock is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to increase your security. Choosing the right deadbolt for your needs is important, and you want to make sure the installation is done properly, so you can sleep better at night knowing your family is safe.

Because your budget is equally important to the well-being of your family, knowing when a deadbolt should be replaced and the potential cost to install or replace a deadbolt lock ensures you can meet your needs without breaking the bank.

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How Do You Know You Need a New Deadbolt?

To ensure maximum security, an existing deadbolt should be replaced if it has sustained any damage. This can happen by accident or through an attempted break-in. Other reasons for replacement include malfunction when the bolt will no longer latch properly, or rekeying if you already plan to replace the knob lock and wish to have a key that matches both.

Closeup of a professional locksmith is installing or repairing a new deadbolt lock on a house exterior door with the inside internal parts of the lock visible.

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How Much Does a Deadbolt Installation Cost?

There are several factors that can contribute to the overall cost of installing or replacing your deadbolts. The decisions you make can help ensure you get the security you need while staying within your budget.

Choosing a Deadbolt

Most deadbolts are priced under $50 (CAD 60), but the price can increase to as much as $300 (CAD 375) if you choose to go with a high-tech option.

Installation or Replacement

The cost to install a deadbolt lock is higher if installed in a new door without previously drilled holes. With deadbolt replacements, the holes should already be in place. Installation starts around $65 (CAD 80) for labor, while replacement can be as low as $15 (CAD 19) on top of the deadbolt price. Both may include a service fee.


If you consider yourself to be handy and a quick learner, it may be worth it to try installing the deadbolt yourself. There are plenty of online tutorials that can show you what is required.

Number of Doors

Multiple exterior doors will require deadbolt installation on each of them, multiplying the labor costs.

Your Location

Where you live can also impact the price you pay. The average locksmith deadbolt installation cost will vary by area.

Total Price

The complete price usually starts at around $75 (CAD 95). Considering how reasonable the price can be and how much additional protection it adds to your home, adding or replacing a deadbolt is a security measure you can't afford to skip. The cost to install a deadbolt lock is determined by your wants and needs, so this is one home upgrade almost anyone can take advantage of.

All CAD conversions are based on the exchange rate on the date of publication.

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